Dan Collins spent several years working in bookstores, playing bass in a rock 'n' roll band, and completing a BA in Communication at UTS. He has written music criticism for The Brag and had a palindromic poem published in the 2007 UTS Anthology. He currently works in the photographic library of a large media corporation.
Some Books That Dan Collins Has Read In His Lifetime
1. A Walk on the Wild Side, Nelson Algren
2. Hell, Henri Barbusse
3.Sombrero Fallout, Richard Brautigan
4. My Last Breath, Luis Bunuel
5. Blow-Up and Other Stories, Julio Cortazar
6. The Practice of Everyday Life, Michel de Certeau
7. Ask the Dust, John Fante
8. Les Chants de Maldoror, Comte de Lautreamont
9. Pedro Paramo, Juan Rulfo
10. The Street of Crocodiles, Bruno Schulz

Sam Twyford-Moore has been publishing music criticism regularly in The Big Issue since 2005. His writing has appeared in Meanjin. He is at work on a novel about failure
Some Books Sam Has Stolen From Bookstores
1. The Public Burning, Robert Coover
2. Herzog, Saul Bellow
3. HEAT Magazine, ed. Ivor Indyk
4. Homesickness, Murray Bail
5. Running in the Family, Michael Ondaatje
6. Dastgah: Diary of a Headtrip, Mark Mordue
7. Inside Out, Robert Adamson
8. The Collected Stories of Richard Yates, Richard Yates
9. The Americans, Baby, Frank Moorhouse
10. The Savage Detectives, Roberto Bolano